Brad is getting ready for the Stake Encampment up at Kolob. They almost did not get to go there because of fires but this past Sunday they had a meeting and they all prayed for rain to come down and put out the fires. The woman who runs the website for Utah Fires reported that they were not expecting rain but the next thing they she knew - rainclouds rolled in, the heavens opened and rain came pouring down on the fire and put it out! She said it did not rain much anywhere else but there. I guess the Lord wants these boys and their leaders to experience what has been planned for them. What a blessing! We will be leaving in the morning to take one of the trailers for the cooking crew up and come back. Brad and the boys will all leave early in the morning on the 30th. I hope to have some pictures to post after he gets back.

For now - here is a pretty picture of Kayla!