Friday, April 17, 2009

Kim's Bridal Shower - February 21, 2009

On Friday, February 20, Kayla and I drove down to San Diego to attend Kim's bridal shower. We made a stop in Barstow for gas and to Burger King to get something to eat. That Burger King was understaffed and we took more time there than we wanted to. Then we hit a detour somewhere on the way where they had the freeway closed and we had to get off and take the detour before getting back on. We heard later from Kim that there was some kind of sink hole in the freeway. That took an extra half hour because of the slow down funneling everyone off. We finally got there and stopped to visit Whitney for a few minutes and firm up our plans for the next day's trip to Orange County to the shower. Then we got directions from our GPS to go to Kim's apartment (soon to be Steven and Kim's). We found it with a little help from Steven and spent some time visiting with them before going to bed. Kim had not been living in the apartment yet but was getting it all set up to move in. It is a nice little apartment and we slept well. The next day we got up and got ready and then headed to the spot where Kim said we should all meet. A park and ride near where she was currently living. Then I drove Kim, Melinda, Whitney, Kayla and me to the shower which was being given by Kim's aunt. It was a beautiful home on the hills overlooking the ocean.

We could see Catalina from there. The shower was fun with a nice lunch and Kim got lots of fun things. I got her some things from, of course. I got to meet her Grandma Lenore that knows Brad's Aunt Phyllis. It was fun to meet some of the women in Kim's family. Back to the apartment we changed our clothes then went to visit a little at Whitney's. Then Steven, Kim, Kayla and I went to this little hole in the wall Mexican Restaurant to eat. Afterward, we visited before going to bed. The next day Kayla and I met Steven at Perry's for some breakfast. Steven had a nice talk with Kayla and she and I drove home in time to get to Grandma's for dinner. The sad part was I got a speeding ticket - but not until I was all the way back to town. Boo hoo. All in all we had a very fun time.

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